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Press brake bending calculator

Our press brake bending calculator can help you based on the material, thickness of part, angle and length of bending to obtain all necessary parameters you need. Normally all the values are theoretical without guarantee, meanwhile it can help you to identify the possible die opening and the approximate tonnage you need for your machine and allowed force for the bending tooling.
Today this tool is made also for us as the help to verify quickly the necessary parameters. If you didn't find values you need or your thickness of material is not presented please contact us and we will add modifications for your possibility to use.

Precitools press brake bending calculator

Thickness, mm (S)
Angle, deg (α)
Length, mm (L)

Die opening, mm (V) Opening (V)

Min. rest part, mm (h) Rest (h)

Internal radius, mm (Ri) Radius (Ri)

Bending force, tons (F) Force (F)